
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Under the Hood : Chassis
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
When most people think about change, they think about surface issues. Most New Year’s resolutions are about fitness or finance. I want to lose weight, eat better, exercise, and save money – exterior things. If life were a car, we’d spend all our time on the paint job. We can even parent this way – focusing only on the outward behavior of our kids. But God wants change to go deeper. Let’s go “under the hood” and examine the first Christians to learn how God can really change us, not just on the outside but on the inside as well.
When a car sits, the tires warp and go flat. The battery dies, the breaks rust, the fuel pump breaks down and animals move in. Cars are made to move. As we go “under the hood” in Acts to look at the early church we find the same thing. Christians aren’t just saved to believe something; we are created to do something. Move! What is God calling you to do?
Acts 1
Speaker: Kevin Stiles